Episode 2

Sea Captain Way Authors Notes

Sea Captain Way Authors Notes

It’s been one year since Phil published his book “The Sea Captain Way for Financial Advisors,” which is available on Amazon. On this podcast, Phil and Greg revisit some of the key themes and principles in the book for listeners who may not have heard previous podcasts about it.  

Key points:

  • Phil talks about how he has always been at his best during when he had a personal or group coach, and how he wanted to pay that forward with this book.
  • Phil calls himself the “Captain of Transformational Change Agent.” Hear how this metaphor applies to his approach to coaching his clients and helping them navigate uncharted waters in their professional roles as leaders as well as in their personal lives.
  • Greg and Phil recently had a podcast guest who mentioned that the book that had the biggest impact on her view of the world was “Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Being a good listener when building relationships is a theme central to the book. Phil has had a listening coach, and talks about why this is such a critical skill to master.
  • Dale Carnegie also talks about the importance of embracing vulnerability. Phil talks about the power of “Vulnerability with Vision” in his book and explains why this an important attribute for a leader to have?  
  • Phil talks about why Roy Disney’s quote about Core Values Clarity resonates with him.  
  • Phil’s in the process of writing a new book. He talks about it and what motivation is for writing it.






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The Sea Captain Way for Financial Advisors

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